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We normally wash the interior walls with Murphy’s Oil soap per the label.


You will probably have to sand them back to bare wood and apply a good latex interior stain. I recommend Perma Chink Interior stain and topcoat. Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for more help and the materials you will need.


Sounds like may you need a better humidifier to get the humidity up in the house. Some of the static is just normal from cold dry air outside.


Yes, over time the wood will darken from UV. The knots could also be darkening from resin seeping out.


Hard to say. There could be mildew somewhere also. Try getting a mold remediation company to come and look at it.


Most older log homes were never stained and they used tar and horse hair for the chinking between the logs. Eventually they started using mortar for chinking, and now they make a latex product that will last for years.


It needs to be caulked with Energy Seal. Call Mike at 866-670-3020 for an estimate.


Call Dave at 800-564-2987 for help and the products you will need. And yes, it probably is mold.


We like to use Murphy’s Oil Soap if there is not going to be any finish applied. You can also wipe them down with Liquid Gold.


Probably need to remove the sheet rock and let it dry out, then hang new.

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